Sunday, September 13, 2009

Still no official first race...

Well, the first race day was today. What a disaster. Actually disaster's a bit harsh, the Hindenberg was a disaster, this was a bit less horrific. Super puffy westerly breeze on Pittwater which sucks in a westerly at the best of times. I got trashed sailing out of the moored boats and capsized a bunch of time (but managed to stay dry), the boat is real easy to right luckily. I then tried to sail upwind into the worst of it but had a hard time tacking as I couldn't hold any momentum to take me through the tack. I kind of sorted this out with more speed into the tack but this also resulted in a few over tacks and a quick swim. My wife sailed near at this stage and said she wasn't going to venture down to the race course so I decided to stay with her. Upwind got better and there were some smoking reaches followed by some smoking swims in the gybe. Anyway, I made it back to the club without breaking anything and as I de-rigged the conditions moderated (of course). In the end I would have probably been OK by the time the race started but as it didn't count towards anything I'm happy with my decision and best of all, because I didn't start, I haven't had my first race yet so I can save it for a better day...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First race today

Well today (Sunday 13th Sept) is the first race for the new boat. I should be up against some Finns and Contenders but I don't think the Moth will be out. As a practice my wife and I went out for a sail yesterday and she took the photos above from her Spiral. Not a bad day all in all...